Internet Marketing and Social Media

The reputation of a firm or a celebrity can be enhanced with the correct representatives, and a lot of the press releases are found on the Internet. Anyone that searches for a company can go to the corporate website and find a section of the site that has press releases. These are the things that have been gathered by the PR representatives to show the company in a positive light.

internet marketing

There are a lot of things that celebrities may do that are positive that will never see the light of day – in story format – unless the public relations people work on get these types of articles out to the public. It is going to be very important to have a strong level of good press to overshadow that negative content. It is much easier for a PR person to overshadow the bad with the good, but celebrities have to get out and do something that is good. Sometimes charity work may be the thing that trumps the bad press that is hounding an outlaw celebrity. It is going to be vital have people that can make a better name for a celebrity if they have gotten into trouble.

The Internet is often the place that people go to find information so it only makes sense to have some type of press release about the good that is happening on the website. Reputation management is also handled in videos. There are a ton of people that have videos on YouTube where they may have something in relation to the bad press that has occurred.

social mediaThe videos that are posted on websites will often allow celebrities to clean up a written statement that was seen somewhere else. Twitter accounts, for example, are hacked all the time. It doesn’t take long for someone to say something that is negative on a social media site and see it go viral in a very quick manner. Many times these celebrities may have to come forth via video format to verbally say that they were not a party to whatever was seen in written word. PR firms will often recommend this for the celebrities that may have had their words twisted in an interview. This is the power of the Internet. A person can totally change the perception of what people are thinking about them with recorded videos. A PR representative likes this better than a live talk show because pre recorded videos are filtered. A celebrity can say exactly what they need to say without saying anything else that will incriminate them. This is idea for the celebrity that does not know how to effectively control their tongue in a live environment.